Hifi and Home
Theater Exhibition 2005, Malmo, Sweden
Photos: Jarmo Aulen
November 1, 2005
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Swedish Hifi
and Home Theater Exhibition 2005 was held in
October 22-23 at SAS Radisson hotel in Malmo,
the third biggest city in Sweden.
impression was that there were little bit less home theater
rooms and little bit more 2 channel rooms and high end as
few years ago. |
Local PL Audio
had speakers
from Focal and Von Schweikert together with electronics from
Audionet, Pathos, Lavardin, dCS and NorthStar. System what
was demoed most contained Focal 1007 Be speakers, dCS P8i
CD/SACD player and Lavardin IT and Pathos Logos integrated
amplifiers. |
Just few rooms away Audionord had Wilson Audio – Audio Research – Nottingham demo,
which included Wilson Audio Sophia speakers, Audio Research
CD3 Mk II CD player, Reference 210 monoblocks, Reference 3
pre amp and Nottingham turntable. Cables and power
distribution were from Nordost. Second system contained
Audio Physic Tempo speakers, Krell SACD Standard CD/SACD
player and Krell KAV-400xi integrated amplifier. |
Jamo’s new Reference R 909 spekers were
shown together with Esoteric DV-50 universal player and
Holfi pre and power amplifiers. |

Swedish Primare Systems introduced
their new A32 power amplifier. It was so new that at the
time of the exhibition only 6 power amps were manufactured.
Rest of the system in Primare room included System Audio
Explorer speakers and of course Primare universal player and
pre amp.

Norwegian Electrocompaniet
demoed their
AW 400 monoblocks, EC 4.7 pre amp and EMC 1 CD player.
Spekers were Usher Dancer CP 8571 II’s. |
Hifi Art / Quality Audio had two
systems in their room. First system was Kharma CE 3.1
speakers, Rogue Audio 99 pre amp and Stereo 90 power amp and
Simaudio Moon Enigma CD player, and second system contained
Living Voice speakers and eletronics from Roksan. |
Skilfing cones were demoed together
with Micromega electronics, Vifa speakers and REL
subwoofers. |
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