TL-Audio Open Doors 31.1.2009
By Keijo Tanskanen
Tapani Lappi has typically had a high-end set-up from the heaviest class, despite
of changing components quite regularly. For business it is anyway much more
reasonable to demonstrate more moderate priced systems. Lately Tapani has arranged
his open doors event independently from the other audio happenings, just because
he has not found any real benefits of the synchronization. Also he has thought
that it is quite necessary to have new products for demonstrations. This time
three new products were presented: Acapella 5th Avenue Mk II and Audio Physic
Sitara speakers and Burmester 082 integrated amplifier. All of them were listenable,
but as a part of different systems.
Just a short time before this event Tapani had got brand new
Sound Lab Majestic 845 electrostatic speakers for his best set-up. I got a quick
listening session with them as well. Although the Sound Labs were not burned-in
the first impressions were nothing but extremely promising. By help of these
speakers Tapani will obviously get listening results which are quite near what
the set-ups with Acapella Triolon Excalibur and Wilson Maxx 2 speakers have
delivered in TL-Audio’s listening room. A deeper analysis needs naturally
another visit.
Acapella 5th Avenue Mk II was a very interesting speaker with its quite special
construction: midrange woofer and tweeter were directed up and bass woofer down.
The other two speakers, Burmester B-25 and Audio Physic Sitara, had more conventional
construction. All of the three speakers had Burmester front end and Transparent
cabling, but from different price class. Naturally this consciously made decision
caused that a direct comparison between the speakers was impossible to do very
accurately. Also it is good to know that this kind of demonstration will not
enable optimal placement for speakers and this may cause remarkable reductions
for performance. Anyway, I suppose that at least the most intrusive sonic differences
existed because of the different speakers.
First set-up:
Acapella 5th Avenue Mk II speakers
Burmester 001 CD player
Burmester 036 mono blocks
Transparent Reference XL MM2 interconnects
Transparent Reference XL MM2 speaker cables
Second set-up:
Burmester B-25 speakers
Burmester 061 CD player
Burmester 082 integrated amplifier
Transparent Music Wave Ultra MM2 interconnects
Transparent Music Wave speaker cables
Third set-up:
Audio Physic Sitara speakers
Burmester 052 CD player
Burmester 051 integrated amplifier
Transparent Music Wave Ultra MM2 interconnects
Transparent Music Wave speaker cables
Tapani played mainly CDs which I frequently use for testing (George Duke: After
Hours, Stanley Clarke: The Bass IC-Collection, Diana Krall: Love Scenes…).
This and an easy exchange of set-ups helped greatly making an analysis. After
an hour listening session the most of the results were already booked. Actually
the differences were uncommonly clear.
I’ll begin from the third set-up which had Audio Physic Sitara speakers. This set-up delivered quite an average performance, especially when compared to the other two and more expensive set-ups. Clearly the strengths of the sound were a very good balance and some kind of indistinguishableness. The ability to create very live-like sound staging, which is usually an overwhelming feature of AP speakers, was a bit more limited than I expected. I suppose that the limitations in a speaker placement caused this, at least mostly. I noticed couple of more or less subtle aberrations as well. Probably the most intrusive ones were slight rumbling and the lacks in control and clarity. Of course it must be strongly pointed out that Sitara is dramatically cheaper than the other two speakers (approximately 1/3 of the price of Acapella and Burmester) and that the front end was less expensive. Also Tapani and Hifiguru told that the Sitara was less burned-in of the three speakers. So, it is (again) unfair to give very hard judgement, and actually it would not be necessary at all when taking account the price of the system. Sitara set-up delivered a good performance for its price and I believe it could have been remarkably better if the vendor-recommended speaker placement had been possible and in-burning had been finished.
The second system had Burmester B-25 speakers. The sound was
very powerful especially in bass. Treble was quite clean and it also had aggressiveness
which suited very well for my taste. This set-up was clearly at its best when
more dynamic and bass-rich music was played. When I said this to Tapani, he
said just being thinking the same! Sound staging was very stable and quite dimensional.
Still, when comparing to the sound of reference set-ups, there were numerous
sonic features which could have been bettered.
For example the midrange was “only” averagely clear, and the coherency
from bass to midrange and from midrange to treble could have been better. But
still it was a pleasure to listen to the music, and actually that is what really
matters. The over-all sound of this set-up reminded a lot what the Burmester
995 Mk II set-up delivered in TL-Audio over a year and half ago. When compared
to the other two set-ups, this one delivered the most focused sonic picture,
the best treble and by a short margin the punchiest bass.
The third set-up had Acapella 5th Avenue Mk II speakers and the most expensive front end. From the very first seconds it was easy to notice that the sound was unconventional, almost totally in a positive manner. It was accurate, enormously immaterial and airy. Also one could take a seat almost everywhere in the listening room and enjoy the music. There was no serious sweet spot at all! This is a tremendous benefit especially when numerous listeners are in a room. The coherency was also excellent all through the delivered bandwidth. I was faced with slight limitations of the speaker (very likely because of the speaker) when I analysed frequency extensions of both ends and a maximum punch of music. Of course the frequency response rolled off clearly earlier and the limits of dynamics was easier to achieve than for example in the case of monstrous Acapella Triolon Excalibur set-up which I listened to some time ago. The soundstaging was also tremendous. If I had not seen the speakers, I could have easily thought that there must be really big speakers behind the phenomenon. But there was a slight lack in the focussing. I tried to localize the players, but it was quite challenging all the time. So, naturally the reference class stayed still unreachable (the dependency of price and quality is relevant here as well) but a very special listening experience was achieved instead.
The Audio Physic Sitara set-up was clearly demonstrated under unfavourable circumstances.
I think this caused that it couldn’t make me very impressed. I am quite
convinced that Sitara can give satisfaction for numerous audio enthusiasts if
it will be located in an appropriate listening room and the vendor-recommended
speaker placement can be done. The Burmester B-25 set-up will have my very high
recommendations. It had remarkably high quality sound and it could not be beaten
by the other set-ups in some sonic features. Anyway, Acapella 5th Avenue Mk
II set-up was a winner of the visit and earned my highest of the three recommendations.
The appearance of the 5th Avenue was beautiful and it can be taken as a piece
of high quality furniture. That is why I suppose that 5th Avenue Mk II will
also have an acceptance of women. This is very rarely done by high-end components!
The over-all sound of the 5th Avenue Mk II set-up had numerous excellent features
and the listening results were superior to an average performance. Despite of
lacking last bits of accuracy and impressiveness Acapella 5th Avenue Mk II set-up
achieved easily the level of high-end by its flattest of the three performances.
Besides this 5th Avenue set-up delivered a tremendous sonic picture which might
well remind a real 5th Avenue!