Ulträänet vaikuttavat äänenlaadun kokemiseen
Ulträänien merkitystä äänenlaatuun vaikuttavana
tekijänä on pitkään vähtelty. On uskottu, että ultraäänet eivät voi vaikuttaa
koettuun kuuloaistimukseen, koska yksittäisiä ultraäänisignaaleja ei normaalihenkilö
pysty erottamaan.
Ultraäänet eivät välttämättä muutu normaalilla tapaa
korvassa kultavaksi ääneneksi, mutta saatavat muuttua aistittavaksi ärsykkeiksi
kuuloluissa. Oheinen ote James Boykin tutkimuspaperista:
In a paper published in Science,
Lenhardt et al. report that "bone-conducted ultrasonic hearing has been found capable
of supporting frequency discrimination and speech detection in normal, older
hearing-impaired, and profoundly deaf human subjects." [5] They speculate that
the saccule may be involved, this being "an otolithic organ that
responds to acceleration and gravity and may be responsible for transduction of sound
after destruction of the cochlea," and they further point out that the saccule has
neural cross-connections with the cochlea. [6]
Even if we assume that air-conducted ultrasound does not
affect direct perception of live sound, it might still affect us indirectly through
interfering with the recording process. Every recording engineer knows that speech
sibilants (Figure 10), jangling key rings (Figure 15), and muted trumpets (Figures 1 to 3)
can expose problems in recording equipment. If the problems come from energy below 20 kHz,
then the recording engineer simply needs better equipment. But if the problems prove to
come from the energy beyond 20 kHz, then what's needed is either filtering, which is
difficult to carry out without sonically harmful side effects; or wider bandwidth in the
entire recording chain, including the storage medium; or a combination of the two.
On the other hand, if the assumption of the previous
paragraph be wrong if it is determined that sound components beyond 20 kHz
do matter to human musical perception and pleasure then for highest fidelity, the
option of filtering would have to be rejected, and recording chains and storage media of
wider bandwidth would be needed.